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Montreal Biodome – CANADA

The Montreal Biodome is the first indoor ecosystem of its kind, combining aquarium, botanical garden and zoo all under the one roof. EnduroShield was chosen to protect expanses of laser etched glass exhibit dividers throughout the building, which were created by Replik-Art.

The glass dividers are subject to dirt and grime from a constant flow of visitors to the Biodome, the watering of plants and the housing of animals. This indicated a need for an eco-friendly, low maintenance product. Numerous options had been investigated, with high importance placed on finding a product which would have no negative affect for the 4800 animals and 750 plant species coexisting in the Biodome.

The solution was EnduroShield protective coating for glass. EnduroShield worked in conjunction with Replik-Art of Montreal to coat the glass dividers. Without any specialized equipment and minimal training, EnduroShield was applied in factory, prior to installation. The application of EnduroShield ensures that the glass is easier to maintain and will resist staining well into the future.

“EnduroShield has proved to be such a great protective coating that we are now applying it to all our glass projects of this nature. For a fraction of the cost of the product we produce, we are now able to protect our customers’ investment and keep it looking newer, longer.”
Andre Montpetit, President, Replik-Art


Want to collaborate with EnduroShield? For more information, reach out to our team.

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